Friday, September 13, 2013

In the news

Imagine my surprise a week or so ago when I opened up my local newspaper and here's a picture of someone wearing a necklace I made!  Kylie Patchett is a talented, energetic motivational speaker and is the author and founder of the Tall Poppy Project.  Do yourself a favour, click here and have a look at her website.  Very inspirational stuff.

Then, a couple of days later another newspaper article appears and another necklace is being worn!  This time by Sara Bucher from the Maleny Cheese Factory.  Funnily enough, I met Sara at a foodie event the day before I saw the article but I didn't know her and she didn't know me!
I emailed both ladies and they graciously said I could display their photos here and on my Facebook page.  Thank you Kylie and Sara for wearing the necklaces in these photos.  I'm very touched.