Saturday, July 20, 2013

A weekend away (continued)

Once I'd ooh'd and aah'd over this fabric I carefully selected which part of the fabric to feature and made it into necklace pendants. 
Here's a close up of the cherry blossoms...
And a close up of something like an orchid maybe?
Love this one but the name of the flower escapes me...tell me if you know!
I ended up making heaps and heaps more using almost all of the fabric. Now I just have to decide which one I'll keep. Maybe this one...
Thanks for reading!  Hope your day is great. Mxo

A weekend away with the girls

This weekend I'm lucky enough to be on a sewing retreat with 16 ladies up in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Most of the girls are making patchwork quilts or doing embroidery but I decided to work on some new necklaces using this luscious fabric.

It's vintage silk kimono and only has a few marks on it. I consider myself lucky to have found this one!
The colours are vibrant red, blue, orange, purple and green set against a white textured background. 
Lilies and dahlias (I think) feature....
...along with cherry blossoms and orchids.