Monday, January 30, 2012

Vintage Wedding Kimono

I was fortunate (to say the least) to find this lovely vintage wedding Kimono online and was in awe of its beauty.  But the photo that prompted me to buy this Kimono certainly didn't do it justice.  Before it arrived I had all intentions to upcycle it but once I saw just how amazing it is I'm now reconsidering.

Here's the's so long I had to stand on a stool.  I'm 160cms, the stool is 30cms and it's still dragging on the floor!
And here's the back in all its glory - wow - wow - wow!
The hem of the Kimono is stuffed with wadding and the cranes are all beautifully embroidered.  It's made from textured silk in red, gold, orange, yellow, black and white.  When I opened the package and saw the colours the first thing I thought of was 'I love a sunburnt country'.  It's so Japanese but so Australian in colour.  It would look a.m.a.z.i.n.g, hanging on someone's wall as a decorative piece of art.  If you're interested in purchasing this let me know.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chinese Brocade

The Christmas and new year holiday period has been so nice this year.  Instead of torrential rain or hot and steamy weather it's been just perfect....but a heat wave is supposed to hit early next week.  Lucky I'm then back at my day job with the air conditioning on!  Having the past two and a half weeks away from my usual day job meant I was able to devote entire days to making flowers.  I've also been spoiling myself by going shopping and to the's head massage was bliss and I'll be treating myself more often.

Here are my newest creations which I know will be so popular so I made plenty (there's more made than just what's in the photo!)  These Kanzashi flowers are made from Chinese brocade featuring cherry blossom flowers.  Aren't they just gorgeous?!  I love the sheen of the fabric and as per usual will be keeping one of these for me.  As you can imagine I have quite a little collection.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rich and luscious

This gorgeous piece of vintage Kimono is so spectacular - my amateur photography skills don't do it justice.  The piece is a rich, luscious purple and I can only dream of what the entire Kimono looked like.

The person who owned this must have felt so beautiful and fortunate when wearing it.  

After about a week of it hanging in my studio I took a deep breath then did what I'm destined to do.  Below are the creations....makes me go aaahhhh with a big smile on my face.
I think I'll have to keep one of these for myself.  I just love how each flower is different and beautiful in its own right. 

Oh, and in case you're wondering I keep a small square of each Kimono that I've upcycled so I have a record of each and every piece.  One day they'll be made into a quilt that I can treasure forever.